Lacquerware Kunimoto

Founded in 1909, Lacquerware Kunimoto, is a traditional craft shop using various decorative techniques in “Takaoka lacquerware”. They have been producing trays and containers (such as for stationeries and ink stones) since then. Today, they use the traditional skills to manufacture daily products and accessories which is available for custom-made or OEM orders. Pay a visit to this Takaoka’s craftsmanship” studio in the traditional architectures preservation area of Yamachosuji. These Traditional mud-walled, warehouse-style residences street were built during the first half of the 20th century and remain standing to this day. Besides lacquerware, the shop carries metal, glass, and wooden products mainly from Takaoka and from all over the countries.

Address: 64 Konmadashimachi,Takaoka,Toyama, 933-0914
TEL: 0766-21-0263
Opening Hours: 10:00~18:00
Closed: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Directions: 【On Foot】 About 15 minutes from Takaoka Station on the Aino Kaze Toyama Railway.
Parking: Not Available. Public parking for tourists within 100m away

